Monday, March 31, 2008

The Bánffy Mansion, 2008 - HDR(High Dinamic-Range) imiges

The Bánffy Castle, Bonţida had been added to and altered since the 16th century, and was finally completed in the 19th century. The most outstanding construction periods were the Renaissance and Baroque ones. It was unfortunately seriously damaged by the retreating German troops, destroying its furniture, library, and portrait collection in September 1944.
The only evidence of its former interiors are the archive photographs. The consequences of the nationalization and the inadequate use of the buildings, as well as the lack of maintenance accelerated their degradation.
Now under construction.
High Dynamic Range imaging (HDRI) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of exposures (the range of values between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDRI is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Egy csepp viz ...

Vagy egy honapja keszultek a kepek, es most bukkantam rajuk, aztan egy kicsit atdolgoztam es ime, cseppes kepek.Ha valakit erdekel hogy hogy lehetne szebb kepet keszitteni, nemreg jelent meg a oldalan egy cikk errol a temarol!Elegge altalanos dolgok de a kedvet meghozza.Nos ami biztos az az ebben a temaba hogy egy ido utan elegge unalmas lesz es hosszadalmas, ezert javaslom mindenkinek hogy fotozzon es mikor lelott 50 kepet utanna nezze vissza.Persze az 50-bol 2-3 fog tetszeni,..., vagy kitudja ha jo a reflex, es szinkronba birod hozni a kezed a vizcsepp sebessegevel meg a geppel akkor nem lesz gond!

Sok sikert!Meg en is probalkozom mert nem vagyok ezekkel megelegedve!!!
A cikk linkje a kovetkezo:

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Es meg egy kep Doggyrol, az utolso kepei kozul...