Thursday, March 11, 2010

Greetings from Köln III. ~The Dom~
I think this is the most fantastic architecture I've ever seen, gigantic and beautiful.The Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church, it's plan is in the shape of a Latin Cross.
Construction of Cologne Cathedral began in 1248 and took, with interruptions, until 1880 to complete – a period of over 600 years. It is 144.5 metres long, 86.5 m wide and its two towers are 157 m tall. The cathedral is one of the world's largest churches and the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe.

some close-up's

Some 1945 feeling's a miracle that this fantastic architecture survived the devastating bomb raids ... and the war ... The cathedral suffered seventy hits by aerial bombs during World War II. It did not collapse, but stood tall in an otherwise flattened city. The great twin spires are said to have been used as an easily-recognizable navigational landmark by Allied aircraft raiding deeper into Germany in the later years of the war, which may be another reason the cathedral was not destroyed.


aeduard said...

nagyon impozáns ez a sorozat a dómról, s nincs HDR sem :) (ha van is nagyon szép, természetes a végeredmény)

Szabi said...

Koszi Edu, orvendek hogy tetszik, igen nincs HDR es az elozo 2ben sincs csak nehol PS. (csak a Greetings from Holzwickede-ben van HDR a nemeto. sorozatbol)nekem igazabol a Domos kepek kozul az utolso tetszik.Hatalmas a dom ezet nem is lehet igazabol 15 mm-el egyben deritett-arnyekos kontraszt mindig jelen van igy nehez tema, nekem nem igazan volt idom fenykepezni mert mar faradt is voltam es a vonat is indult...majd legkozelebb.

aeduard said...

no de tényleg grat., szép sorozat nagyon

Szabi said...

Koszi, lesz ezutan egy tankos is, igaz nem WW2-es Panzer de na...

Andor Marton said...

Grüsse nach Köln ... nach einer langen Pause :D
Tényleg impozánsra sikeredett ez a domos sorozat. Èjszaka remekül meg van világítva - amikor ott voltam 2 napig ki akartam menni éjjel, hogy lefotozzam, de sajnos tul lusta voltam felkelni.

Szabi said...

Igen, en is lattam esti felveteleket, bamulatos, mi csak egy fel napot voltunk Kolnbe, de legkozelebb biztos tobbet maradunk, az ido sem volt mindig velem...

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures, that last one looked almost haunting.